Mom, DD and I went to a lecture on Saturday. We wore our t-shirts and sat near the front and center, in full view of many hundreds of people. Mom finished the top body of a bright green alligator, which I thought was excellent for Dolores' theme of Hide No More.DD was too caught up in the lecture to spin, but she had brought her Bosworth midi and some Nancy Finn Chasing Rainbows silk from Morgaine's.
I worked on a boring pair of socks for DD, who has a fondness for stockinette and k1p1 ribbing. I wanted to knit a lace wave pattern with this yarn, but she asked for plain bobby socks, so that is what I'm making. At least it will be quick, and then I can get back to knitting something more interesting!
We had hoped to go to the local WWKIP picnic, but the lecture was long and we ran out of time. Maybe next year? Mom and I did make a point of kip'ing when running errands later that afternoon. My best guess is that I alone kip'ed in front of over a thousand people.We've had a small flock of pelicans fly in this week, some monstrous fellows and a few youngsters. If they stick around I'll get some good photos, but I didn't have the camera handy when they flew by so here's a clip of them sitting on the sea wall.
I've finished the big laptop bag for DD and to sew in a zipper and finish fulling the strap. It is definitely too large, but I think the math error may turn into a positive design feature -- it is more comfortable to carry a laptop when the sides can curve around a bit. I'll post more details and photos when it's complete.
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